Duration: 10 Days
If you are preparing for the upcoming FCPS OBG IMM TOACS exam and looking for a perfect revision course, then our 10-day preparatory program is the ideal option you can opt for sure success. Led by the best and finest FCPS-qualified mentors, this exclusive revision-oriented program provides you with exclusive tips and tricks and helps you face the exam with confidence. Join with us, make your exam preparation easier, and clear the exam in one go.

Engage in live interactive sessions led by a global team of 10+ FCPS qualified mentors.

Access to full session recordings and session presentations until the date of exam.

A complete revision-focused training program covering all exam essential topics and concepts.

Utilise StudyMEDIC Learning Management System, organized by module-wise topics, ensuring ease of navigation and comprehension.

Prep with Question Banks, Prep Videos, Podcasts, and Guideline summaries of CPSP.

Assess progress with regular mock exams: Pre-Assessment and Exam Essential mocks.

Participate in daily study group activities guided by mentors.

Get personalized feedback and support from the mentors for improved learning experience.

Access an exclusive revision module mirroring the real exam format.

Enjoy enhanced learning on-the-go through the StudyMEDIC Mobile App, providing access anytime, anywhere.

24/7 webchat integration for continuous support and assistance.
TAX is applicable for all the courses and products.Contact our Study Support team for more details
+91 8562 800 700 +44 7341 981 539 sales@studymedic.comSelect Exam Date
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